Greetings and Salutations XXIX

My writing is in fits and spurts these days. Some days I can see the end of the current chapter (and it’s so close). Other days, I can’t deal with it and so spend time working on other chapters or other story ideas. In an attempt to reign in my creative energy and organize my ideas and headcanons, I have been putting together shorter pieces, some of which I will be posting here on the blog. These include character back stories and bios. The backstories will be posted right here on the blog, and the bios will be listed on a Tumblr blog I have set up and dedicated to my various characters’ aesthetics. It sounds so corny, but I’m amazed at how all these visuals and play list things that people create actual inspire and motivate. These things can all be found under “Writing and the Creative Process” above.  Note that backstories do not contain spoilers, though the Tumblr and bios do.

I hope everyone is having a lovely summer (or winter, if you are on the other side of the planet).